Sunday, March 16, 2008


There's an article about our part of town in this week's zitty. It's in German but you can get the gist from the cover page (see below). And no, I've never seen her around the neighborhood.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fahrt like the wind

The U-bahn has been on strike for over a week now. Since this is the line I usually take to work, for the past few days I've been biking to the nearest S-bahn station and taking that train to work (S-bahn = schnell bahn = 'fast train'). This isn't so bad (I've been told some folks bike to work regardless of train strikes) but lately it's been pretty rainy and especially windy in Berlin.

My journey to the S-bahn station (Warshauer Strasse) takes me over the Oberbaumbrücke, one of the more famous bridges in Berlin.

It's a fun bridge to cross, always busy and especially full of tourists making the journey from East to/from West Berlin. This morning was particularly gusty, and as the wind blows east across the Spree I was more or less coasting across the bridge - even the uphill parts.