Sunday, April 6, 2008

catchy spam

Today I checked my old email account from the UW math department (seems to still be active). Everything gets forwarded to my gmail but occasionally I need to log in and delete all the old messages to free up some space. It's also fun to see the emails that slip through those sophisticated spam filters that the department has set up. Here are some of my favorite subject lines from surviving messages:

linguistic deficit
most difficult toothache
strawberry blonde grain of sand
overpriced submarine
sprightly bartender
so-called food stamp
self-actualized scooby snack
greasy football team
placid pine cone
cosmopolitan customer
like others, allows
we need one idea
he studies history.
kids win money
russian sex roulette
self-loathing blithe spirit
Barack Obama is saying about his transsexual affairs videofile!!!

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