It's been a while since the last post and that's partly due to the computer problems I experienced over the holidays. We spent xmas in England and while I was over there the charger for my computer stopped delivering voltage from the wall into my laptop (its primary function). I figured it had something to do with the high voltages streaming from the outlets but according to the numbers on the back of the charger it should have been able to handle it. So anyway, I had to wait until we got back to Berlin to order one through german ebay. It arrived in the mail the other day and now I'm back on the laptop.
In related news, one of the keys on my casiotone broke in our initial move to berlin and I've been waiting for months to find a philip's head screwdriver small enough to reach the dozens of screws in the back. Part of the traditional English Christmas dinner (apparently) involves everyone shooting off explosive poppers with small prizes inside - coincidentally my prize was a pack of mini screwdrivers (with a carrying case)! As soon as we got back to Berlin (and after placing the ebay order) I went to work on the casiotone. After an hour of carpal-tunnel-defying effort I managed to get the thing open. I was able to access the broken/stuck key and after moving some things around I put it all back together again (minus one or two screws). Needless to say I had limited expectations of the results, but I plugged it in and it was working, good as new (but you know still in a vintage way). Working for a while, that is - after a few rounds of pre-programmed beat assisted chord progressions, there was a spark and the thing went dead. But this time it was surely the power adapter, I could tell by the smell.
Skip and I grieve with you. The casiotone provided all of us with countless hours of retro funkiness..
oh casio... where have you gone to? {sniff}
surely there must be some casio replacement in one of those hip berliner shops?!
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